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深沉 / Darkness

深沉 Darkness
终于音乐又想起来,我想从我混沌的思绪中找出点细缝, That music finally comes back to me, what I want is to find a thin thread of carefulness among the chaos in my head,
能透露出一点光亮,而我的脑袋可以晃一下,俩下. to let a tiny bit of light through, to let my mind stabilize for one moment, two moments.
春天过去的时候,有位80多岁的老人对我说,有故事将会发生在夏天. Spring had just passed, this old man told me that summer held stories yet to happen.
你抬头看看我们巷子深处的一棵孤独的树上了么, When you raise your head can you see that one lonely tree that has grown in the depths of our alley?
那里有一对鸟打算在这个夏天结为夫妻. Two little birds live in that tree, they will fall in love this summer and marry.
就象我们一样,你看看我, Just like us, you look at me,
我看看他,他满身皱纹,我猜测那些皱纹中是否藏有什么秘密, and I look at him,
我仔细用目光搜索.然后又看了看那棵已经死掉的树, and I’m wondering what secrets are conceiled within those wrinkles on his body.
光秃秃的树干上什么也没有,那鸟在哪?是否在树的皱纹里? I look around carefully, searching. And I see that deceased old tree again.
我浑身突然一抖,就好象被什么东西击打了一般. Not one twig left on it’s barren trunk, and where are those two little birds?
Hiding within its wrinkles?
有个声音对我呼喊到:我要砍掉你的手,我要砍死你. My body suddenly quivers all over, as if struck by something heavy.
这时的音乐是缓慢而沉重的. A scream then: “I’m gonna cut your hands off, I’m gonna axe you to death!”
Laughter, tears, and the happiness goes on,
老人又对我说着什么, and at this point,
我没有听到,什么都没有听到,那强壮的老人,昏黄的目光. the music is slow and heavy.
麻木的,悲伤的同类,因为我们都在这个遥远的巷子里,长长的巷子,几步就可以走完. The old man again tells me something,
在外面是大街,车水马龙,很阳光和嘈杂. I did not hear it, did not hear a thing! Oddly strong old man, dim eyed.
而我们这里依然是深沉的. Us; the two of us, and that tree, and those little birds; we are indifferent, with no concept of retribution,
Numb and sad in the same way, all in this remote alley, in this streched out alley I could exit with only a few steps.
Out there: the avenues, crowds and cars, sunshine and noise,
But in here
same as before
is darkness.


诗人/Poet: 白羽 (Bai Yu)

翻译/Translator: Bjorn Wahlstrom

2011年7月23日第一个译站朗诵  / Read at United Verses 1, Jul 23, 2011

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Li Bai, Tax Official / 李白稅吏

Li Bai, Tax Official 李白稅吏
Li Bai, 李白
Sitting in a high-rise office 正经高坐
Filled his mind with navigating 满脑想的是
Thorny tax issues for his government, 这棘手的税收困惑
Building cases of who-owed what 断定谁欠钱
And who didn’t owe at all 而谁又能分文不缴
Scanning the forests of spreadsheets 浏览如林般的税单
And respecting the pavilions of power. 顾及权贵的亭台
Li Bai, 李白
Suffered from a mind that wandered, 思绪万千
But which he tamed in order 但又不得不顺应
To make the civil service 工职的要求
And avoid long trips to the countryside, 避开乡间远行
Great pastoral journeys of sacrifice 那久违的田园之旅
And resurrection of character, 天性复活
A character that benefited little 不得志的天性
From great throngs of people 来自熙熙攘攘的人群
Chanting aloud in public places, 在户外大声叫嚷
As much as that spirited part 他的心向往
Of his heart yearned for them 他的思绪在那逗留
And his mind lingered there. 在那逗留,在那逗留
Lingered there. Lingered there.
Li Bai 李白
Remembering a trip with his co-workers 忆起与同僚的出行
Forgot about his forest of spreadsheets 遗忘眼前的税林
And pavilions of plenty, 和那严实的亭台
Thinking about the late night drinking, 想起深夜的畅饮
The toasting – shot after shot, 敬酒-干了一杯又一杯
The hazing of the colorful dresses of the women 彩衣妙曼的女子
Paid to sit by his side, 收钱坐于一旁
Feeding him words to songs he knew 启发他为熟知的老歌填写歌词
From so long ago. 很久很久以前
Li Bai, 李白
Remembered these things, 记起这一切
But did not linger on them. 然而他不曾逗留
He was lost in a different place, 迷失于另一个地方
That moment when everyone had left 众人退场的那一刻
And the woman by his side was gone 身旁的女子已离去
Forgetting to close the window shade, 却忘记关上那道窗
Letting the moon shine in. 让明月照进来
Li Bai, 李白
Lost himself in that frosty glow 迷失在如霜的光亮中
That puddled beneath his feet 洒落在他脚下
That took him back ages 带他回到从前
That made him drown in nostalgia 令他沉寂在思乡情愫之中
Bringing words to his lips 将诗词送到他唇边
He never knew he had, 不敢执笔写下的诗词
Words he’d dare not write down. 举头仰望,思绪万千
Looking up, his mind reeled 独自一人
And all alone 他举杯敬月
He toasted the moon.

Poet/诗人: Tom Mangione

Translator/翻译: 郑方源 (F.Y. Zheng)

Read at United Verses 1, Jul 23, 2011 / 2012年07月23日第一个译站朗诵

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